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Working at the Eduardo Anitua Clinic are the highly qualified professionals, specialised in the various odontological fields and in sleep disorders. If you would like guidance on any related subject, we invite you to consult us without compromise*.
*Our advice is always specialised orientation on the matters you consult us about, but can never substitute a visit to a dentist or a doctor, if required.
Find out the answers to our patients' questions:
Answer: Clinical team. Conservative odontology
Estimated patient: what you are telling could be because of a pathology called Bruxism. In bruxism, the patient makes an excessive tightening with teeth, especially while sleeping, and also repetitive movements rubbing their teeth against others, producing the wear.
If this is your problem, there are certain treatments like bite guards, which are elements located on teeth to Project them while sleeping. Nevertheless, we recommend you to visit your dentist to get a proper diagnosis before beginning a treatment.
Answer: Clinical team. Oral surgery
Estimated patient: Controlled diabetes is not a contraindication to put dental implants, although you will need a previous and posterior antibiotic treatment to prevent possible infections at the surgical wound, frequent in diabetic patients.
If you lost your tooth a long time ago, it is important to get a complete diagnosis to observe the bone level or neighbour anatomic structures relation, that may not be invaded during the surgery.
Answer: Clinical team. Dental hygiene
As regards your question, we might say that yes, we can use different alternatives to reduce your anxiety during a dental treatment. For a dental hygiene, it could be used nitrogenous protoxide, it is useful to decrease both, your dental sensitivity and your anxiety, and if it were necessary you could also have your most sensitive areas anesthetised.
For fillings and root canal treatments, you could take an anxiolytic previous to the appointment or, in case of being required by you, all of them could be regrouped and be carried out under conscious sedation as it was done with your wisdom teeth. Hoping to have answered your doubts. Yours Sincerely.
Answer: Clinical team. Sleep unit
Sleep apnoea are periodic and brief interruptions of breathing during sleep, which make recurrent asphyxias (apnoeas) and which cause awakeness (which can´t be remembered) and decrease of blood oxygen levels, making alterations in people’s quality of life or increasing the traffic and occupational accident risk. It has been proved that apnoea may cause hypertension as well as it increases the risk to suffer cardio and vascular brain accidents. Because of that, early diagnosis and a correct treatment is an important healthcare aspect.
Dentists work on an anatomic area which is close to the throat (where apnoeas are caused), and some of the risk factors are common to dental problems (bruxism – clenching teeth and wearing down of the same -, bad dental hygiene, anatomic alterations, obesity, etc).
Dentists play an important role in the initial evaluation of a patient. They can be the key of an early diagnosis by watching signs and symptoms (air tract size, mouth, throat or nose morphological alterations, snores and/or cardiac arrest , apnoea symptoms such as tiredness or somnolence) because people go to the dentist more often than to the doctor.
In addition, most apnoeas are low or moderate, and it is in these patients where the most effective treatment is a mandibular advancement device, which is made, installed and controlled by dentists in collaboration with Sleep Units.
For all that, dentists and Sleep Units collaboration will help to get a better and earlier diagnosis, and will take us to the best treatment choice.