More than 20 years ago, Dr. Eduardo Anitua, currently considered a scientific leader at world level, started to develop this technology which has began application in the field of oral surgery.
The use of Plasma Rich in Growth Factors in this area of medicine provides many clinical advantages in daily practice with use in the treatment of defects after tooth extractions, regeneration around implants, areas with little bone volume, as a vehicle for biomaterials for achieve bone regeneration or as a complement in bone grafts, etc. The results prove the biosafety, efficiency and predictable results of this technology.
It has been proven that the use of the different formulations of plasma rich in growth factors speeds up the regeneration and healing of wounds produced during surgery, in addition to reducing post-operatory inflammation. Quick vascularisation or, in other words, formation of blood cells around the tissue, which increases the potential for new tissue to form.
Dental Extractions
When a tooth is extracted, a space is left, that is filled in with the patient's own plasma, which releases proteins and growth factors, which favours quick vascularisation of the area and bone regeneration, in addition to quicker healing of the soft tissue (gums). In addition, it minimises the possibility of infection, as the plasma is bacteriostatic, in other words, it stops the growth of the bacteria it encounters. Therefore, it reduces the risk of infection. Finally, it has an anti-inflammatory effect that is very beneficial for the patient.
Every dental implant, before inserting it into the patient's bone, is irrigated (this is what we call implant humectation) with plasma rich in growth factors creating a much more favourable biological environment for the implant to become integrated into the bone (osseointegration), as it is achieves an interface of the patient's own proteins, which helps the bone cells that surround it move towards the surface of the implant, fixing it there and accelerating the osseointegration process. In addition, it reduces the periods between different surgery stages. The use of plasma rich in growth factors significantly increases the success rate in treatments with dental implants.
Soft Tissues
The humectant and agglutinating properties of plasma rich in growth factors facilitate the handling, manipulation and stabilisation of different biomaterials and bone grafts, making the evolution of the healing process of the soft tissues quicker, with less inflammation and pain.
The patient will notice a general improvement in the clinical course as the pain and inflammation are reduced, in addition to stimulating the body's ability to repair itself. The repair processes are accelerated, decreasing the possibility of infection and post-surgical complications.
With this we achieve:
The preparation protocol is simple and fast. A small quantity of blood is extracted from the patient (from 9 ml for the simplest application) which is adapt to each application. It is centrifuged once only. Then it is activated so the release of growth factors begins in the site where it is placed. The plasma rich in growth factors use concentrations of growth factors within the therapeutic window to stimulate hard (bone) and soft (gums) tissue regeneration.
This is the first technique described in world literature that makes use of the body's own "pharmacy"; its effectiveness is backed by more than 10,000 patients treated in different medical specialisations. You can say that it is a self-graft, as it will be the patient's own proteins that are responsible for carrying out and accelerating the repair process.
The plasma rich in growth factors has been conceived thanks to a series of precise and very rigorous protocols during each stage: extraction, centrifugation, fractioning, activation and application. This protocol guarantees the quality of the end product obtained, in optimum conditions. All the elements used by its specialists have been specifically designed by the R&D+i department of Biotechnology Institute (BTI).
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