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Eduardo Anitua Clinic


Eduardo Anitua at “Saber Vivir” Spanish TV program

Eduardo Anitua at “Saber Vivir” Spanish TV program

28/09/2012 Eduardo Anitua at “Saber Vivir” Spanish TV program explaining how to maintain proper oral health and therapeutic applications of plasma rich in growth factors.

BTI Biotechnology Institute presents the first book on the regenerative medicine technique that will change the future of sport and orthopaedics

BTI Biotechnology Institute presents the first book on the regenerative medicine technique that will change the future of sport and orthopaedics

14/09/2012 Today, Eduardo Anitua, founder and Scientific director of BTI Biotechnology Institute, along with Mikel Sánchez, traumatologist and director of the Arthroscopic Surgery Unit of the USP Clinic in Vitor...

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