Dentistry and oral surgery - Treatment

Eduardo Anitua Clinic


During the first consultation, the Sleep specialist doctor determines the test that the patient must carry out at the actual dental clinic:

  • “Normal cardiorespiratory polygraphy” or “Respiratory polygraphy” diagnosis study.

    It is a medium-level study. It is carried out during the patient's sleeping period, therefore, at their home or at a hotel close to the clinic, in the case of patients whose normal residence is far from our clinic.

  • “Nocturnal polysomnography” or “Polysomnography” diagnosis study. It is a complex study.

    It is carried out, likewise, during the patient's sleeping period and also at their home or at a hotel close to the dental clinic.

Each study is carried out with the aid of a specific measuring device, which measures a series of parameters associated with each patient, without which an adequate diagnosis and subsequent treatment cannot be established.

It is carried out, likewise, during the patient's sleeping period and also at their home or at a hotel close to the dental clinic.

The installation of these devices and their use do not entail any pain or danger for the patient whatsoever.

The parameters obtained will help us to assess the amount and quality of the patient's sleep and its incidence on certain clinical pathologies.

As a result, a multiple sleep latency test is carried out later to objectively assess excessive daytime sleepiness and it is fundamental in the diagnosis of some sleep pathologies such as narcolepsy.

From here on the specialist doctor at the Sleep Unit will make the appropriate diagnosis and will propose the most adequate treatment to the patient.

The options to treat this problem are fundamentally two:

  • Surgery (serious cases)
  • The use of dental devices (intraoral splints) that allow mandibular advancement and the anterior repositioning of the tongue (indicated in minor and medium-serious cases, and also for patients with harmless but bothersome snoring for their surroundings).

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